
90% of aspiring Psychologists, Trainers, Coaches need mentoring & handholding!


It is one thing understanding the content, and another thing implementing in your life or helping others transform their life. What we have seen is that after people get certified as psychologists, coaches, mentors, trainers, or counsellors, they need a lot of handholding until they become seasoned.

When we learnt to walk as toddlers, we tried to first stand up. And as we attempted walking, we fell multiple times. It was our parents who then held our hands till we could start running. The same analogy applies to everyone mentioned above. It is quite natural to believe that everybody needs a coach, or at least a mentor or hand holder. Ask any good speaker in the market today. S/he will tell you that every good speaker was a bad speaker at one point. Then came this transformer in their life who changed everything. But you must be wondering, how is that possible? What is it that these transformers do?

First of all, there is great focus on the structure; structure of coaching, structure of training, structure of public speaking, structure of conducting the breakthroughs. And what is very important is focussing on the basics. You will see a lot of professionals who are not good in their work, are usually not very good in their basics. For example, coaches need to understand and follow the GROW model right from the basics to the advanced level. Trainers need to understand the Kirkpatrick model, 4-MAT system, and many more etc.

The next step after mastering the basics, is being able to improvise as per the situation. A true Master is the one who can be behaviourally flexible and can think on the feet along with having the presence of mind and being resourceful. Now, here is where a lot of handholding is required. Being an improviser, or at least attempting to be one (especially without mastering the basics) can easily result in making a lot of mistakes. The hand holder should be quite good in identifying such tendencies and giving feedbacks the right way.

Lastly, even if everything is going perfectly well, even if you become the Master in your field, there are going to be times when you will need a fall-back person, or maybe an Accountability Partner. Sometimes, even if you are very talented, you may not be in the right state of mind, which will compromise your results. You need a good hand holder there too.
Wouldn’t it be good that everyone has such a ‘Transformer’?

Manali Sarpotdar

I have completed NLP Master Trainer, Emotional Intelligence and a host of other courses with Amarendra Chitale. His examples and command over the topic are so profound that the learning experience is a treat. The techniques from these courses have given me confidence in expressing my ideas. Highly recommended for elevating life changing results.


What is the history of NLP?2022-10-03T09:11:00+00:00

NLP was conceptualized in the University of California by Richard Bandler and John Grinder. Richard Bandler was a student of Mathematics and Computation and John Grinder was the Professor of Linguistics. Richard Bandler was always a very curious student and would model excellence by learning a lot of concepts, therapies conceptualized by other people. He would replicate anything what others are doing well, especially in the Psychology space. One such time, he was running Gestalt Therapy on someone when John Grinder noticed him. Grinder came to Bandler and said, “If you tell me what you are doing, I will help you do it better”. Thus started the famous partnership and both of them wrote the first book on NLP. Some time later, trainings on the topic commenced and within a few years, we saw lots of NLP Trainers teaching NLP all over the world.

Who is NLP beneficial for?2022-10-03T09:11:54+00:00

NLP is a branch of Neuroscience and Psychology that helps you program your brain to achieve any goal in life. You can imagine, NLP has applications in all areas of life. Name any area and NLP has a way of improving it and transforming it for better. NLP helps in:

  • Goal-Setting and achieving Goals
  • Relationships
  • Parenting
  • Leadership
  • Business/Sales
  • Training/Teaching
  • Coaching/Mentoring
  • Sports
  • Memory building
  • And many more!

Is NLP a type of hypnosis?2022-10-03T09:13:07+00:00

Well, the simple answer to that is, Hypnosis is one part of NLP. In NLP, you will learn Milton Language Patterns which are nothing, but Patterns related to conversational Hypnosis. These inductive language patterns help clients go into trance and a state of curiosity and wonder, which helps them with insights. Also, these language patterns help in suggestion-based transformation. You will notice that a lot of NLP patterns have scripts which are hypnotic in nature.

What are different NLP Certifications?2022-10-03T09:14:02+00:00

NLP has 4 certifications:

  • NLP Practitioner (First Level)
  • NLP Master Practitioner (Advanced NLP Certification, prerequisite is completion of Practitioner certification)
  • NLP Train the Trainer (which equips you to conduct your own Practitioner and Master Practitioner Certifications, prerequisite is completion of Master Practitioner certification)
  • NLP Master Trainer (the highest recognition in NLP)

Check out our course outline section to know what we cover at each level.

What is the duration of an NLP course?2022-10-03T09:15:01+00:00

The duration of NLP Certifications is as follows:

  • NLP Practitioner (5 days classroom, 16 days online)
  • NLP Master Practitioner (12 days classroom, 25 days online)
  • NLP Train the Trainer (12 days classroom, 25 days online)
  • NLP Master Trainer (minimum 3 years. Check out our guidelines related to completion of NLP Master Trainer Certification)

What is NLP?2022-10-03T09:09:51+00:00

NLP is a branch of Neuroscience and Psychology that helps you program your brain to achieve any goal in life. You can imagine, NLP has applications in all areas of life. Name any area and NLP has a way of improving it and transforming it for better. According to Richard Bandler: “NLP is an attitude and a methodology that leaves behind a trail of Techniques”. In another definition, he says, “Anything that works is NLP”.


  1. Geeta P October 17, 2022 at 12:28 pm

    Hi, How can I enroll into this program

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